
학부소개 대학원


학과소개 Introduction

Graduate School in the Department of Mechanical Engineering has a fine reputation for quality teaching and outstanding research since 1976. It is equipped with recently refurbished laboratories and specialized facilities for training graduate students to become competent and professional engineers and to lead in the development of advanced engineering technologies. The graduate students are taught by 11 professors who conduct in-depth research as well as teach practical mechanical engineering skills through various experiments and practice. There are funding opportunities for graduate students as general scholarships, TA’s, and RA’s, that benefit from research grants by industry and govornment as they work with their supervisor in the mechanical research field. Also a newly wide range university-managed accommodation optionsare offered under related regulatons. Graduates from the department of mechanical engineering, like our over 350 previous graduates, will find employment opportunities covering a wide range of industrial fields, including plants, electronics, semiconductors, automotive, electrical power, heavy equipment, etc., as well as university faculty, research positions in government laboratories, and independent businesses.

교육목표 Course Aims

기계공학과는 본교의 건학이념을 토대로 하여 국가와 사회가 필요로 하는 기술 인력을양성하고 선진이론 및 기술의 도입, 전달은 물론 기초이론, 응용 기술 개발을 통하여 기계공학 분야의 발전을 선도하고 사회에 봉사하는 역할을 수행하기 위해 설립되었다. 이러한 설립취지와 기독교 정신과 민주교육의 근본이념에 입각하여 심오한 학술적 이론과그 응용방법을 강의하여 국가, 사회 및 교회에 봉사할 지도자 양성을 목적으로 하는 본대학의 교육목표와 부합할 수 있도록 다음과 같이 학과의 교육목표를 설정하고 있다.

Based on the university’s founding ideal of’Truth and Service’, the Department of Mechanical Engineering primarily aims toplay a leading role in the advancement of mechaincal engineering and ultimately to contribute to the promotion of social welfare. To this end, the graduate program provides both a Master’s program and a Doctoral program. Both degree programs educate field engineers who are capable of handling practical problems by applying fundamental theories and state-of-arttechnologies in mechanical engineering, and train high-quality human resources who are ready to participate in teaching, research, and management in multidisciplinary areas.

• ‘진리와 봉사’의 건교 이념에 의한 봉사정신으로 복지산업사회의 건설에 기여할 책임감 있는 지도자를 양성한다.• 기계공학의 기초개념을 폭넓게 교육하고 실험슬습을 강화하여 실질적인 문제를 해결할 수 있는 실용적인 엔지니어를 양성한다.• 다양한 산업 분야에서 창의력과 벤처도전정신을 함양한 미래지향적인 인재를 양성한다.• 정보화 마인드와 어학능력을 겸비한 국제적 감각을 갖춘 지도자를 양성한다.

개설전공 Subject Majors

  • 열유체 및 에너지 Thermofluids and Energy

    기계설비 (mechanical equipment)

    에너지시스템 (energy system)

    유동공학 (fluid flow)

    자동차공학 (automotive engineering)

  • 재료·설계 및 생산 Materials, Design and Production

    고체역학 (solid mechanics)

    CAD/CAM(computer-aided design/manufacturing)

    신소재 (new materials)

    정밀공학 (precision engineering)

  • 동역학 및 제어 Dynamics and Control

    자동제어 (automatic control)

    진동 (vibration)

    지능 기전 시스템 (mechatronics)

    로봇공학 (robotics)

수여학위 Degrees

• 석사과정 : 공학석사 (Master of Science in Engineering)
• 박사과정 : 공학박사 (Ph.D. in Engineering)