Representative : Kim Woo-jun (enrolled in 2017) / Tel : 010-30**-24**
Advisor : Professor Kim Jin-oh
Facebook : (Group) F.C GongChashoi
Introduction :
We are a soccer club in the School of Mechanical Engineering, founded in 1998.
We often play soccer to improve our physical strength and socialize with our club members. We participate as the school team in intramural soccer competitions such as the School of Engineering athletics competition.
Won the first place in the freshman soccer tournament hosted by the College of Engineering
Advanced to the semifinals of the Soongsil University Baekmagi Soccer Tournament
Won the third place in the President Cup Soccer Tournament
Won the first place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Won the second place in the Soongsil University Baekmagi Soccer Tournament
Advanced to the quarterfinals in the President Cup Soccer Tournament
Won the second place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Won the second place in the freshman soccer competition
Won the second place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Won the second place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Won the second place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Won the second place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Advanced to the semifinals of the Soongsil University Baekmagi Soccer Tournament
Won the second place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Won the second place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Won the second place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Won the second place in the College of Engineering Athletics Competition
Won the first place in the freshman soccer tournament